
Friday, March 7, 2014

Getting back to blogging... Finally!

After quite a hiatus from this blog, I've decided to come back to it full force, with a little bit of a twist.  While previously, this blog was reserved solely for my comments on books, I'll now be writing about a range of lifestyle topics:

  1. Books - Still central to my life!  I've now started a great book club, so I'm sure that some synthesis of discussion from that and titles from that will show up, as well as other miscellaneous stories and book reviews.  If I can get permission from the club, you may even see some videos of our Google hangout discussions.
  2. Living in Vancouver - Every time I get into a conversation with someone about where to go eat, or where to shop for groceries, or what to do on a rainy day in Vancouver, I always hear "You should write this stuff down".  So I'll try to do that.  I'll be adding some posts about eating, living and being in Vancouver. 
  3. Cooking - Since January 2014, I've been really trying to wrestle with losing weight.  I'm doing well, already 20 pounds down so far this year, and I contribute it almost entirely to two things: walking instead of driving (I walk at least 50 kilometers per week) and making my own food (not too much, and keeping it healthy).  I'm going to be posting pictures and recipes to pass on that knowledge.  I thought about making a separate blog (called Thin by Thirty, or something like that) but decided that it's best to keep it all in one big lifestyle silo.
  4. Travelling - This year is going to be a big year for travelling for me!  I'll be sharing my adventures, as well as discovering a little bit more about my own backyard through recommendations for local walking trails and nearby destinations.

I'm sure that there will be other little slices of life that will work their way in out of interest.  Mostly, I hope that by being conscious of my activities and taking care to document and post certain aspects of my life I'll become a better writer, and have better awareness of my surroundings.  Suggestions and edits welcome, and you'll probably also see lots of promo plugs for different projects that I'm involved in.

Here's looking forward to whatever life may bring.  Cheers!


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